PowerUp (godmode, no damage, no reload required) SkipAI (skips the AI turn, useful for getting past AI turns that never seem to end.

(Thanks for the list of tech names, /u/TehSr0c!) I don't know ofĪny hard caps as to what the level maximum may be. Higher level = higher speed boost in construction/research. The scientist/engineer level determines how effective they are at their job. Treats them all as actual units instead of counters like with XCOM:EU/EW. Give Scientists/Engineers You can only get one scientist or engineer at a time since XCOM 2 Quality can be: Common (Normal), Rare (Advanced), Epic (Superior) PcsName can be: Speed, Conditioning, Focus, Perception, Agility (eg: AddItem EpicPCSConditioning 5 - will give me 5 Advanced Conditioning (+4 HP) PCS) Quality can be: bsc (Basic), adv (Advanced), sup (Superior) (eg: AddItem AimUpgrade_sup 10 - will give me 10 Superior Scopes)Īddon can be: Aim, Clipsize, Crit, FreeKill, FreeFire, MissDamage, Reload Muton, Cryssalid, Sectopod, Andromedon, Gatekeeper, Avatar UnitName can be: Sectoid, AdventTrooper, AdventOfficer,ĪdventStunLancer, AdventShieldbearer, Faceless, Viper, Berserker, Archon, (eg: AddItem CorpseAdventShieldbearer 10 - will give me 10 Advent Shieldbearer corpses) (Thanks /u/Hikatokage for the awesome list!) (This adds the item/resource, without needing at least one. (This requires you to have at least one of that resource before you can add any more.) Once you're done, you can open the console from in-game using the tilde (~) key. Go to XCOM2's launch options and add in the line "-allowconsole -log -autodebug" without quotation marks. The last I used these, they DO NOT disable achievements. I don't take any responsibility for any decline in game experience.

Disclaimer: Use these commands sparingly and at your own discretion! The game becomes VERY easy when you get rid of resource management.